EMDIS Messages


EMDIS message Description Fields
ADMIN Administer CBU inventory
ALM_REQ Request an alternative match list for a patient
ALM_RES Alternative match list result
CBR_REQ Cord blood unit report request
CBU_DIFF Differential CBU inventory message
CBU_FULL Full CBU inventory message
DONOR_CB Match list
IDM_REQ Infectious disease marker request
IDM_RES Result of infectious disease marker request
MARR_STAT Donor workup status
MATCH_SUM Summary of match run
MSG_ACK Message acknowledgement
MSG_DEN Message denial
NEW_ADD Address to broadcast
NO_RES Service can not be performed
PAT_STAT Change patient status
PAT_UPD Patient registration and update
PHEN_LIST Phenotype list
REQ_CAN Cancellation of a request
RES_REM Result reminder
RSV_NOT CBU implicit reservation notification
RSV_REQ Donor reservation request
RSV_RES Result of donor reservation
SMP_ARR Date suggested for arrival of sample
SMP_INFO Donor information in the context of sample requests
SMP_REQ Sample request
SMP_RES Result of sample testing
TXT_MSG Text message
TYP_REQ Typing request
TYP_RES Result of typing
WARNING Warning message
WOR_REQ Workup request