WMDA XML Data Submission Dictionary


CbuItemType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
AL_PLA Number of plasma aliquots available Short Unit plasma aliquots
AL_RED_BC Number of red cell fraction aliquots Short Unit red cell aliquots
AL_SER Number of serum aliquots available Short Unit serum aliquots
ATT_SEG Number of attached segments available Short Contigous/attached segments
BACT_CULT Bacterial culture cultValueType Microbial Screen(bacteria)
BAG_ID Identification as it appears on the bag. If more than one bag is available then this data attribute is not populated String Unit Bag ID
BAGS Number of bags for CBU sub units Short Number of Unit bags
BAG_TYPE Type of bag used (bag fractions / split unit) bbagTypeType Unit Bag Type
BANK_DISTRIB_ID Unique identifier of the CBB distributing the CBU. ID shown in table in tab Cord blood bank IDs. For the usage of this filed, check the Comment below. String Cord Blood Bank
BANK_MANUF_ID Unique identifier of the CBB that manufactured the CBU. ID shown in table in tab Cord blood bank IDs. For the usage of this filed, check the Comment below. String Cord Blood Bank Manufacturing ID
CD34PC Total number of CD34+ cells (before processing) Float Collected CD34+
CD34PC_FRZN Total number of CD34+ cells (post processing, prior to cryopreservation) Float Processed CD34+
CFU_FRZN Total count of colony forming units (post processing, prior to cryopreservation) Float Total colony forming units (CFU)
COLL_DATE Date that the CBU was collected bareDateType Unit collection date
CT_COMPLETE_DATE Date of completion of confirmatory typing (CT) bareDateType Unit verification typing date
CT_SMPL_TYPE Confirmatory typing (CT) sample type ctSmplTypeType Unit confirmatory typing sample type
DNA_SMPL DNA samples available? Boolean Unit DNA sample availability
FREEZE_DATE Date that the CBU was frozen bareDateType Unit cryopreservation date
FREEZE_METH Freezing method used freezeMethType Unit cryopreservation method
FUNG_CULT Fungal culture cultValueType Unit microbial screen (fungal)
HEMO_STATUS Hemoglobinopathy screening status hemoStatusType Hemoglobinopathy screen
LOCAL_ID Identification of CBU locally at the associated CBB String Local unit ID
MAT Data of the mother of the infant associated with the CBU matType DUMMY
MNC_FRZN Total Number of mononucleated cells (post processing, prior to cryopreservation) Float Collected number of unit mononuclear cells
OTH_SMPL Samples other than DNA available? Boolean Other viable cell aliquots
PLA_QUANT Total quantity of plasma available in ml Float Unit Plasma Available
PROC_DATE Date that the processing started bareDateType Unit processing Date
PROC_METH Processing method used procMethType Unit processing system
PROC_METH_TYPE Processing method type used procMethTypeType Unit processing method
PROD_MOD Product modifications made prodModType Unit product modification
RED_BC_FRZN Total number of nucleated red blood cells (post processing, prior to cryopreservation) Float Total Nucleated Red Blood cells
SER_QUANT Total quantity of serum available in ml Float Unit serum available
STAT_REASON Additional information relevant to the CBU status statReasonCbuType Search Status change
TNC Total number of nucleated cells (before processing) Float Collected Total nucleated Cells (TNC)
TNC_FRZN Total number of nucleated cells (post processing, prior to cryopreservation) Float Total nucleated Cells (TNC) in CBU
VIABILITY Viability as percentage value Short Unit viability
VIABILITY_CELLS Type of cells tested for viability viabilityCellsType Unit viability type
VIABILITY_DATE Date that viability was tested bareDateType Viability Date
VIABILITY_METHOD Method used to calculate the viability viabilityMethodType Viability Method
VOL Collected volume before processing (without additives) in ml Short Unit volume at collection
VOL_FRZN Total volume frozen (post processing, prior to cryopreservation) in ml Short Unit volume at cryopreservation

DonItemType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
CHECKUP_DATE Date of the last medical checkup - defined as the date of a donor health assessment that indicates whether a donor is minimally suitable to be considered for donation, regardless if eligible for only one donation type, and includes questions about current medication and health issues (e.g. completion of a health screening questionnaire at Extended Typing or Verification Typing). The donor health assessment can be completed by any means (e.g. paper-based, online, phone). This does not require any physical examination of a donor. bareDateType Donor Checkup date
COLL_TYPE Collection type, i.e. the willingness of the donor to donate in a specific manner String Donor product preference
CONTACT_DATE Date of last confirmed contact - defined as the date of an active form of communication (e.g. a query about status, an address update, confirmation of their interest in donating) via any channel (e.g. email, mail, phone, website), post registration, from a donor to the registry. Any communication from the registry to the donor that does not lead to an activity of the donor suggesting his further interest in donation is explicitly excluded (e.g. annual mailing without reaction). bareDateType Donor contact date
HEIGHT Height in cm Short Height
NMBR_MARR Number of marrow donations Short Number of previous HPC donations
NMBR_PBSC Number of PBSC donations Short Number of previous HPC donations
NMBR_PREG Number of pregnancies Short Donor pregnancies
NMBR_TRANS Number of blood transfusions Short Donor blood transfusions
STAT_REASON Additional information relevant to the donor status statReasonDonType Search Status change
WEIGHT Weight in kg Short Weight

HLAType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
A(HLA-A) HLA-A values hlaLocusType HLA-A (molecular)
B(HLA-B) HLA-B values hlaLocusType HLA-B (molecular)
C(HLA-C) HLA-C values hlaLocusType HLA-C (molecular)
DNA HLA values obtained by DNA based typing methods hlaDnaFieldsType DUMMY
DPA1 HLA-DPA1 values hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-DPA1 (molecular)
DPB1 HLA-DPB1 values hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-DPB1 (molecular)
DQA1 HLA-DQA1 values hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-DQA1 (molecular)
DQB1 HLA-DQB1 values hlaLocusType HLA-DQB1 (molecular)
DRB1 HLA-DRB1 values hlaLocusType HLA-DRB1 (molecular)
DRB3 HLA-DRB3 values hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-DRB3 (molecular)
DRB4 HLA-DRB4 values hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-DRB4 (molecular)
DRB5 HLA-DRB5 values hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-DRB5 (molecular)
E(HLA-E) HLA-E values, can have high resolution typing hlaLocusDnaOnlyType HLA-E (molecular)
FIELD1 HLA value of allele 1 DUMMY DUMMY
FIELD2 HLA value of allele 2 DUMMY DUMMY
HLA-A-SER-FIELD1 HLA-A, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-A (serological)
HLA-A-SER-FIELD2 HLA-A, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-A (serological)
HLA-B-SER-FIELD1 HLA-B, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-B (serological)
HLA-B-SER-FIELD2 HLA-B, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-B (serological)
HLA-C-SER-FIELD1 HLA-C, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-C (serological)
HLA-C-SER-FIELD2 HLA-C, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-C (serological)
HLA-DQB1-SER-FIELD1 HLA-DQB1, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DQB1 (serological)
HLA-DQB1-SER-FIELD2 HLA-DQB1, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DQB1 (serological)
HLA-DRB1-SER-FIELD1 HLA-DRB1, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DRB1 (serological)
HLA-DRB1-SER-FIELD2 HLA-DRB1, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DRB1 (serological)
MICA MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A hlaLocusGlsOnlyType MICA
MICB MHC Class I Polypeptide-Related Sequence B hlaLocusGlsOnlyType MICB
SER HLA values obtained by serological typing methods hlaSerFieldsType DUMMY

IdmType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
ALT Alanine aminotransferase status in units per litre Short Donor ALT status
ANTI_CMV antibody CMV status idmValueExtType CMV antibodies test result
ANTI_CMV_DATE Date of antibody CMV test bareDateType CMV antibodies test result date
ANTI_HBC Hepatitis B status (antibody to hepatitis B core antigen) idmValueType Hepatitis B core antibody test result
ANTI_HBS Hepatitis B status (antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen) idmValueType Hepatitis B surface antibody test result
ANTI_HCV Hepatitis C status (antibody to hepatitis C virus) idmValueType Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies test result
ANTI_HIV_12 Anti-HIV 1/2 status idmValueType HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies test result
ANTI_HTLV Antibody to HTLV I/II idmValueType Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) type 1/2 antibodies test result
CHAGAS Chagas status idmValueType Chagas NAT result
CMV_NAT CMV NAT status idmValueType CMV NAT result
CMV_NAT_DATE NAT CMV test date bareDateType CMV NAT result date
EBV EBV status idmValueExtType Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) antibodies test result
HBS_AG Hepatitis B status (hepatitis B surface antigen) idmValueType Hepatitis B surface antigen test result
HBV_NAT HBV NAT status idmValueType Hepatitis B virus (HBV) NAT result
HCV_NAT HCV NAT status idmValueType Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NAT result
HIV_1_NAT HIV-1 NAT status idmValueType HIV-1 NAT result
HIV_P24 HIV p24 status idmValueType HIV p24 antigen test result
PB19_NAT ParvoB19 NAT status idmValueType Parvo-B19 PCR
SYPHILIS Syphilis status idmValueType Syphilis serological test result
TOXO Toxoplasmosis status idmValueExtType Toxoplasmosis antibodies test result
WNV WNV status idmValueType West Nile Virus (WNV) NAT result

InventoryType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
CONTENT_TYPE Type of the inventory items, i.e. donor ("D") or CBU ("C") contentTypeType Donor Type
CREATION_TIME Creation time stamp of the inventories (in UTC) dateTime DUMMY
LISTING_ORGANIZATION Organisation that lists the donor/cbu provided as ION ionType REG_SND
POOL Physical location of the donors/CBUs of the inventory provided as ION ionType Donor location identifier
SCHEMA_VERSION Version of the applied XML Schema Definition (XSD) schemaVersionType DUMMY
SNAPSHOT_TIME Timestamp of the 'data snapshot' (in UTC) dateTime DUMMY
UPDATE_MODE Update mode of the inventory, i.e. FULL or DIFF updateModeType DUMMY

ItemBaseType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
ABO Blood group (ABO) of the donor/CBU aboType Blood Group (ABO)
ATTR Describing attribute of the donor/CBU according to house rules of the sending organization. String Donor Attribute
BIRTH_DATE Date of birth of the donor/CBU bareDateType Date of birth
CCR5 CCR5 status of the donor/CBU ccr5Type CCR5
ETHN Ethnic group of the donor/CBU ethnType Ethnicity
GRID Global registration identifier of the donor String GRID
HLA HLA of the donor/cbu hlaType DUMMY
ID Unique identifier of the doner/CBU String Cord Blood Unit Identification
ID Unique identifier of the donor String Donor Identification ( to be replaced by GRID)
IDM Infectious disease markers (IDM) and other relevant tests of the donor/CBU idmType DUMMY
KIR KIR genotype of the donor/CBU kirType DUMMY
RHESUS Rhesus (Rh) factor of the donor/CBU rhesusType Blood Group (Rhesus)
RSV_PAT Unique identifier of the patient the donor/CBU is reserved for (STATUS=RS). String Patient Identification
SEX Biological gender of the donor/CBU sexType Sex
STAT_END_DATE Date until which the current status will be applicable bareDateType Status end date
STATUS Status of the donor/CBU statusType Search Status

KirType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
KIR2DL1 KIR genotype e.g. KIR gene 2DL1 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DL1
KIR2DL2 KIR gene 2DL2 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DL2
KIR2DL3 KIR gene 2DL3 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DL3
KIR2DL4 KIR gene 2DL4 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DL4
KIR2DL5A KIR gene 2DL5A kirLocusType KIR gene 2DL5A
KIR2DL5B KIR gene 2DL5B kirLocusType KIR gene 2DL5B
KIR2DP1 KIR gene 2DP1 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DP1
KIR2DS1 KIR gene 2DS1 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DS1
KIR2DS2 KIR gene 2DS2 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DS2
KIR2DS3 KIR gene 2DS3 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DS3
KIR2DS4 KIR gene 2DS4 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DS4
KIR2DS5 KIR gene 2DS5 kirLocusType KIR gene 2DS5
KIR3DL1 KIR gene 3DL1 kirLocusType KIR gene 3DL1
KIR3DL2 KIR gene 3DL2 kirLocusType KIR gene 3DL2
KIR3DL3 KIR gene 3DL3 kirLocusType KIR gene 3DL3
KIR3DP1 KIR gene 3DP1 kirLocusType KIR gene 3DP1
KIR3DS1 KIR gene 3DS1 kirLocusType KIR gene 3DS1

MatType Element

WMDA field identifier Description Type WMDA dictionary field
AL_PLA Number of plasma aliquots available Short Maternal plasma aliquots
AL_SER Number of serum aliquots available Short Maternal serum aliquots
HLA HLA of the mother of the infant associated with the CBU hlaType DUMMY
ID Identification used to identify the maternal donor as assigned by the registry String Maternal ID
ID_BANK Identification used by associated CBU manufacturer to identify maternal detail String DUMMY
IDM Infectious disease markers (IDM) and other relevant tests of the mother of the CBU idmType DUMMY
MAT-HLA-A-SER-FIELD1 Maternal HLA-A, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-A (serological)
MAT-HLA-A-SER-FIELD2 Maternal HLA-A, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-A (serological)
MAT-HLA-B-SER-FIELD1 Maternal HLA-B, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-B (serological)
MAT-HLA-B-SER-FIELD2 Maternal HLA-B, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-B (serological)
MAT-HLA-C-SER-FIELD1 Maternal HLA-C, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-C (serological)
MAT-HLA-C-SER-FIELD2 Maternal HLA-C, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-C (serological)
MAT-HLA-DQB1-SER-FIELD1 Maternal HLA-DQB1, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DQB1 (serological)
MAT-HLA-DQB1-SER-FIELD2 Maternal HLA-DQB1, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DQB1 (serological)
MAT-HLA-DRB1-SER-FIELD1 Maternal HLA-DRB1, 1st antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DRB1 (serological)
MAT-HLA-DRB1-SER-FIELD2 Maternal HLA-DRB1, 2nd antigen hlaSerFieldsType HLA-DRB1 (serological)
PLA_QUANT Total quantity of plasma available in ml Float Maternal plasma available
SER_QUANT Total quantity of serum available in ml Float Quantity of maternal serum