Description Differential CBU inventory message

EMDIS Fields

Field description (WMDA dictionary field) EMDIS field code Required Field Type
Sending EMDIS registry (REG_SND) REG_SND Optional N4
Receiving EMDIS registry (REG_RCV) REG_RCV Optional N4
The unit identification assigned by the hub. It may be the same as the local ID (CB_LOCAL_ID) (Cord Blood Unit Identification) CB_ID Required A17
Global registration identifier for donors (old format, deprecated).For information regarding GRID in the new format please see field D_GRID. (GRID) GRID Optional A19
Physical location of the donor (Donor location identifier) DON_POOL Required N4
Donor attribute (Donor Attribute) DON_ATTR Optional A3
The identification of the CBU locally at the cord blood bank (Local unit ID) CB_LOCAL_ID Optional A17
The identification as it appears on the bag. If more than one bag is available, do not fill in this field. (Unit Bag ID) CB_BAG_ID Optional A17
The ID of the bank that manufactured the unit (Cord Blood Bank Manufacturing ID) CB_BANK_MANUF_ID Optional A10
The ID of the bank distributing the unit. This may be different to the manufacturer (Cord Blood Bank) CB_BANK_DISTRIB_ID Optional A10
The identification of the maternal donor as assigned by the hub. It may be the same as the local ID (CB_BANK_MAT_ID) (Maternal ID) CB_MAT_ID Optional A15
The identification used to identify the maternal donor (Maternal ID) CB_BANK_MAT_ID Optional A15
Status (used to determine unit availability) (Search Status) CB_STATUS Required A2
Reason for status change (Search Status change) CB_STAT_REASON Optional A2
Status valid until specified date (e.g. assigned if the unit is temporarily unavailable) (Status end date) CB_STAT_END_DATE Optional D8
CBU Date of birth (date the infant was born) (Date of birth) CB_BIRTH_DATE Optional D8
CBU Collection date (Unit collection date) CB_COLL_DATE Optional D8
CBU sex (Sex) CB_SEX Optional A1
CBU blood group (Blood Group (ABO)) CB_ABO Optional A3
CBU ethnic group (Ethnicity) CB_ETHN Optional A4
CBU CCR5 status (CCR5) CB_CCR5 Optional A2
CBU Processing start date (Unit processing Date) CB_PROC_DATE Optional D8
Processing methods (Unit processing system) CB_PROC_METH Optional A3
Processing method type (Unit processing method) CB_PROC_METH_TYPE Optional A3
CBU freezing date (Unit cryopreservation date) CB_FREEZE_DATE Optional D8
CBU freezing method (Unit cryopreservation method) CB_FREEZE_METH Optional A1
Product modifications (Unit product modification) CB_PROD_MOD Optional A3
Type of bag used (CBU bag fractions / split unit) (Unit Bag Type) CB_TYP_BAG Optional A5
Number of bags for the cord blood sub units (Number of Unit bags) CB_BAGS Optional N2
Bacterial culture (Microbial Screen(bacteria)) CB_BACT_CULT Optional A1
Fungal culture (Unit microbial screen (fungal)) CB_FUNG_CULT Optional A1
Hemoglobinopathy screening status (Hemoglobinopathy screen) CB_HEMO_STATUS Optional A2
CBU collected volume before processing (without additives) (Unit volume at collection) CB_VOL Optional R5
Total CBU volume frozen (post processing and pre-cryopreservation) (Unit volume at cryopreservation) CB_VOL_FRZN Optional R5
Processed total number of nucleated cells (post processing and pre-cryopreservation) (Total nucleated Cells (TNC) in CBU) CB_TNC_FRZN Optional F7
Total nucleated red blood cell count (post processing and pre-cryopreservation) reflecting the content of the final product that is frozen (Total Nucleated Red Blood cells) CB_RED_BC_FRZN Optional F7
Collected total number of mononucleated cells (post processing and pre-cryopreservation)) (Collected number of unit mononuclear cells) CB_MNC_FRZN Optional F7
Processed total number of CD34+ cells. Post processing and pre-cryopreservation. (Processed CD34+) CB_CD34PC_FRZN Optional F7
Total CFU post processing count (post processing and pre-cryopreservation). GM method (Total colony forming units (CFU)) CB_CFU_FRZN Optional F7
Viability for collected total nucleated cells count Viability of CB_VIABILITY_CELLS (Unit viability) CB_VIABILITY Optional N3
Type of cells tested for viability (Unit viability type) CB_VIABILITY_CELLS Optional A4
Method used to calculate the viability (Viability Method) CB_VIABILITY_METHOD Optional A2
Date viability was tested (Viability Date) CB_VIABILITY_DATE Optional D8
Number of attached segments available (Contigous/attached segments) CB_ATT_SEG Optional N2
Other type samples available (other than DNA) (Other viable cell aliquots) CB_OTH_SMPL Optional A1
CBU DNA samples available (Unit DNA sample availability) CB_DNA_SMPL Optional A1
Verification typing (CT) date of the cord blood unit. Definition: CT (Confirmatory Typing) is repeat DNA typing after registration. For the CT to be completed, loci A, B, and DRB1 must all be retested and confirmed consistent with registration typing. The CT completion date is the latest date when A, B, and DRB1 are all complete. If the loci are not all tested at the same time, this date will be the date the last locus was tested. (Unit verification typing date) CB_CT_COMPLETE_DATE Optional D8
CT Sample type (Unit confirmatory typing sample type) CB_CT_SMPL_TYPE Optional A2
CBU HLA-A, 1st antigen (HLA-A (serological)) CB_A1 Optional A5
CBU HLA-A, 2nd antigen (HLA-A (serological)) CB_A2 Optional A5
CBU HLA-B, 1st antigen (HLA-B (serological)) CB_B1 Optional A5
CBU HLA-B, 2nd antigen (HLA-B (serological)) CB_B2 Optional A5
CBU HLA-C, 1st antigen (HLA-C (serological)) CB_C1 Optional A5
CBU HLA-C, 2nd antigen (HLA-C (serological)) CB_C2 Optional A5
CBU HLA-DR, 1st antigen (HLA-DRB1 (serological)) CB_DR1 Optional A5
CBU HLA-DR, 2nd antigen (HLA-DRB1 (serological)) CB_DR2 Optional A5
CBU HLA-DQ, 1st antigen (HLA-DQB1 (serological)) CB_DQ1 Optional A5
CBU HLA-DQ, 2nd antigen (HLA-DQB1 (serological)) CB_DQ2 Optional A5
CBU DNA-A, 1st allele (HLA-A (molecular)) CB_DNA_A1 Optional A20
CBU DNA-A, 2nd allele (HLA-A (molecular)) CB_DNA_A2 Optional A20
CBU DNA-B, 1st allele (HLA-B (molecular)) CB_DNA_B1 Optional A20
CBU DNA-B, 2nd allele (HLA-B (molecular)) CB_DNA_B2 Optional A20
CBU DNA-C, 1st allele (HLA-C (molecular)) CB_DNA_C1 Optional A20
CBU DNA-C, 2nd allele (HLA-C (molecular)) CB_DNA_C2 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB1, 1st allele (HLA-DRB1 (molecular)) CB_DRB11 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB1 (molecular)) CB_DRB12 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB3, 1st allele (HLA-DRB3 (molecular)) CB_DRB31 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB3, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB3 (molecular)) CB_DRB32 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB4, 1st allele (HLA-DRB4 (molecular)) CB_DRB41 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB4, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB4 (molecular)) CB_DRB42 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB5, 1st allele (HLA-DRB5 (molecular)) CB_DRB51 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DRB5, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB5 (molecular)) CB_DRB52 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DQA1, 1st allele (HLA-DQA1 (molecular)) CB_DQA11 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DQA1, 2nd allele (HLA-DQA1 (molecular)) CB_DQA12 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DQB1, 1st allele (HLA-DQB1 (molecular)) CB_DQB11 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DQB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DQB1 (molecular)) CB_DQB12 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DPA1, 1st allele (HLA-DPA1 (molecular)) CB_DPA11 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DPA1, 2nd allele (HLA-DPA1 (molecular)) CB_DPA12 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DPB1, 1st allele (HLA-DPB1 (molecular)) CB_DPB11 Optional A20
CBU DNA-DPB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DPB1 (molecular)) CB_DPB12 Optional A20
CBU KIR gene 2DL1 (KIR gene 2DL1) CB_KIR2DL1 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DL2 (KIR gene 2DL2) CB_KIR2DL2 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DL3 (KIR gene 2DL3) CB_KIR2DL3 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DL4 (KIR gene 2DL4) CB_KIR2DL4 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DL5A (KIR gene 2DL5A) CB_KIR2DL5A Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DL5B (KIR gene 2DL5B) CB_KIR2DL5B Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DS1 (KIR gene 2DS1) CB_KIR2DS1 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DS2 (KIR gene 2DS2) CB_KIR2DS2 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DS3 (KIR gene 2DS3) CB_KIR2DS3 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DS4 (KIR gene 2DS4) CB_KIR2DS4 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DS5 (KIR gene 2DS5) CB_KIR2DS5 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 2DP1 (KIR gene 2DP1) CB_KIR2DP1 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 3DL1 (KIR gene 3DL1) CB_KIR3DL1 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 3DL2 (KIR gene 3DL2) CB_KIR3DL2 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 3DL3 (KIR gene 3DL3) CB_KIR3DL3 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 3DS1 (KIR gene 3DS1) CB_KIR3DS1 Optional A255
CBU KIR gene 3DP1 (KIR gene 3DP1) CB_KIR3DP1 Optional A255
URI to a GL-String or GL-string for absence/presence for KIR typing results. (Killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) GL string) CB_KIR_GL Optional A255
CBU CMV status (CMV antibodies test result) CB_ANTI_CMV Optional A1
CBU Hepatitis B status (hepatitis B surface antigen) (Hepatitis B surface antigen test result) CB_HBS_AG Optional A1
CBU Hepatitis B status (antibody to hepatitis B core antigen) (Hepatitis B core antibody test result) CB_ANTI_HBC Optional A1
CBU Hepatitis C status (antibody to hepatitis C virus) (Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies test result) CB_ANTI_HCV Optional A1
CBU Anti-HIV 1/2 status (HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies test result) CB_ANTI_HIV_12 Optional A1
CBU HIV-1 NAT status (HIV-1 NAT result) CB_HIV_1_NAT Optional A1
CBU HIV p24 status (HIV p24 antigen test result) CB_HIV_P24 Optional A1
CBU HCV NAT status (Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NAT result) CB_HCV_NAT Optional A1
CBU HTLV status (Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) type 1/2 antibodies test result) CB_ANTI_HTLV Optional A1
CBU Syphilis status (Syphilis serological test result) CB_SYPHILIS Optional A1
CBU West Nile Virus (WNV) status (West Nile Virus (WNV) NAT result) CB_WNV Optional A1
CBU Chagas status (Chagas NAT result) CB_CHAGAS Optional A1
CBU EBV status (Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) antibodies test result) CB_EBV Optional A1
CBU Toxoplasmosis status (Toxoplasmosis antibodies test result) CB_TOXO Optional A1
CBU HBV NAT status (Hepatitis B virus (HBV) NAT result) CB_HBV_NAT Optional A1
CBU CMV NAT status (CMV NAT result) CB_CMV_NAT Optional A1
CBU ParvoB19 NAT status (Parvo-B19 PCR) CB_PB19_NAT Optional A1
The total number of CBU red cell fraction aliquots available for testing. These samples may be used for infectious disease testing (Unit red cell aliquots) CB_AL_RED_BC Optional N2
Number of CBU serum aliquots available (Unit serum aliquots) CB_AL_SER Optional N2
Total volume of CBU serum available (Unit serum available) CB_SER_QUANT Optional R4
The total number of CBU plasma aliquots available for testing. These samples may be used for infectious disease testing (Unit plasma aliquots) CB_AL_PLA Optional N2
Total quantity of CBU plasma available (Unit Plasma Available) CB_PLA_QUANT Optional R4
Maternal HLA-A, 1st antigen (HLA-A (serological)) CB_MAT_A1 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-A, 2nd antigen (HLA-A (serological)) CB_MAT_A2 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-B, 1st antigen (HLA-B (serological)) CB_MAT_B1 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-B, 2nd antigen (HLA-B (serological)) CB_MAT_B2 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-C, 1st antigen (HLA-C (serological)) CB_MAT_C1 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-C, 2nd antigen (HLA-C (serological)) CB_MAT_C2 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-DR, 1st antigen (HLA-DRB1 (serological)) CB_MAT_DR1 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-DR, 2nd antigen (HLA-DRB1 (serological)) CB_MAT_DR2 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-DQ, 1st antigen (HLA-DQB1 (serological)) CB_MAT_DQ1 Optional A5
Maternal HLA-DQ, 2nd antigen (HLA-DQB1 (serological)) CB_MAT_DQ2 Optional A5
Maternal DNA-A, 1st allele (HLA-A (molecular)) CB_MAT_DNA_A1 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-A, 2nd allele (HLA-A (molecular)) CB_MAT_DNA_A2 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-B, 1st allele (HLA-B (molecular)) CB_MAT_DNA_B1 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-B, 2nd allele (HLA-B (molecular)) CB_MAT_DNA_B2 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-C, 1st allele (HLA-C (molecular)) CB_MAT_DNA_C1 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-C, 2nd allele (HLA-C (molecular)) CB_MAT_DNA_C2 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB1, 1st allele (HLA-DRB1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB11 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB12 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB3, 1st allele (HLA-DRB3 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB31 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB3, 2st allele (HLA-DRB3 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB32 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB4, 1st allele (HLA-DRB4 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB41 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB4, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB4 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB42 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB5, 1st allele (HLA-DRB5 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB51 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB5, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB5 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DRB52 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DQA1, 1st allele (HLA-DQA1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DQA11 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DQA1, 2nd allele (HLA-DQA1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DQA12 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DQB1, 1st allele (HLA-DQB1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DQB11 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DQB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DQB1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DQB12 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DPA1, 1st allele (HLA-DPA1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DPA11 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DPA1, 2nd allele (HLA-DPA1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DPA12 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB1, 1st allele (HLA-DPB1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DPB11 Optional A20
Maternal DNA-DRB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DPB1 (molecular)) CB_MAT_DPB12 Optional A20
Maternal CMV status (CMV antibodies test result) CB_MAT_ANTI_CMV Optional A1
Maternal Hepatitis B status (hepatitis B surface antigen) (Hepatitis B surface antigen test result) CB_MAT_HBS_AG Optional A1
Maternal Hepatitis B status (antibody to hepatitis B core antigen) (Hepatitis B core antibody test result) CB_MAT_ANTI_HBC Optional A1
Maternal Hepatitis B status (maternal Anti HBs) (Hepatitis B surface antibody test result) CB_MAT_ANTI_HBS Optional A1
Maternal Hepatitis C status (antibody to hepatitis C virus) (Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies test result) CB_MAT_ANTI_HCV Optional A1
Maternal Anti-HIV 1/2 status (HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies test result) CB_MAT_ANTI_HIV_12 Optional A1
Maternal HIV-1 NAT status (HIV-1 NAT result) CB_MAT_HIV_1_NAT Optional A1
Maternal HIV p24 status (HIV p24 antigen test result) CB_MAT_HIV_P24 Optional A1
Maternal HCV NAT status (Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NAT result) CB_MAT_HCV_NAT Optional A1
Maternal HTLV status (Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) type 1/2 antibodies test result) CB_MAT_ANTI_HTLV Optional A1
Maternal Syphilis status (Syphilis serological test result) CB_MAT_SYPHILIS Optional A1
Maternal West Nile Virus (WNV) status (West Nile Virus (WNV) NAT result) CB_MAT_WNV Optional A1
Maternal Chagas status (Chagas NAT result) CB_MAT_CHAGAS Optional A1
Maternal EBV status (Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) antibodies test result) CB_MAT_EBV Optional A1
Maternal Toxoplasmosis status (Toxoplasmosis antibodies test result) CB_MAT_TOXO Optional A1
Maternal HBV NAT status (Hepatitis B virus (HBV) NAT result) CB_MAT_HBV_NAT Optional A1
Maternal CMV NAT status (CMV NAT result) CB_MAT_CMV_NAT Optional A1
Maternal ParvoB19 NAT status (Parvo-B19 PCR) CB_MAT_PB19_NAT Optional A1
Number of serum maternal aliquots (Maternal serum aliquots) CB_MAT_AL_SER Optional N2
Total quantity of maternal serum available (Quantity of maternal serum) CB_MAT_SER_QUANT Optional R4
Number of plasma maternal aliquots (Maternal plasma aliquots) CB_MAT_AL_PLA Optional N2
Total quantity of maternal plasma available (Maternal plasma available) CB_MAT_PLA_QUANT Optional R4
Major version of the HLA Nomenclature in use[1] (HLA Nomenclature Version) HLA_NOM_VER Required A7

CBU_FULL and CBU_DIFF messages have the same structure but differ in their use. CBU_FULL is used to send the complete CBU inventory upon request while CBU_DIFF is used to synchronize the inventories.

The ID for CB_BANK_MANUF_ID and CB_BANK_DISTRIB_ID must be provided with a NEW_ADD message prior to usage in any CBU_FULL or CBU_DIFF message.

Either CB_VOL or CB_VOL_FRZN is required.

D_KIR_GL must be empty. The field was introduced for the future exchange of GL-Strings and/or URI that refers to a GL-string registered with GL-service for KIR typings .