EMDIS message: RSV_NOT

Description CBU implicit reservation notification

The RSV_NOT is an optional message to accommodate those registries that have an implicit reservation implemented as part of their national rules. The RSV_NOT may be sent after receiving a request for a CBU. Several RSV_NOT messages for one request (i.e. identical REF_CODE) update the EXPI_DATE of the request.

EMDIS Fields

Field description (WMDA dictionary field) EMDIS field code Required Field Type
Sending EMDIS registry (REG_SND) REG_SND Optional N4
Receiving EMDIS registry (REG_RCV) REG_RCV Optional N4
Patient identification (Patient Identification) P_ID Required A17
The unit identification assigned by the hub. It may be the same as the local ID (CB_LOCAL_ID) (Cord Blood Unit Identification) CB_ID Required A17
Global registration identifier for donors (old format, deprecated).For information regarding GRID in the new format please see field D_GRID. (GRID) GRID Optional A19
Reference code (REF_CODE) REF_CODE Required A15
Date expiration of reservation (Reservation Expiry date) EXPI_DATE Required D8
Remark (REMARK) REMARK Optional A120