EMDIS message: TYP_RES

Description Result of typing

With this message type typing results requested by a specific TYP_REQ message are transmitted. The results in the HLA fields have to correspond to the requested typing (field TYP_REQ.RESOLUT). If this is not the case the TYP_RES message can be rejected with a MSG_DEN. A TYP_RES message is issued ONLY when ALL requested typing events have been completed. After a TYP_RES message, a DONOR_CB with the updated donor data is mandatory to ensure up-to-date master data. Antigens respective alleles of a locus have to be transmitted pairwise, even if only one value has been changed.

EMDIS Fields

Field description (WMDA dictionary field) EMDIS field code Required Field Type
Sending EMDIS registry (REG_SND) REG_SND Optional N4
Receiving EMDIS registry (REG_RCV) REG_RCV Optional N4
Patient identification (Patient Identification) P_ID Required A17
Donor identification (Donor Identification ( to be replaced by GRID)) D_ID Required A17
Global registration identifier for donors (GRID) D_GRID Optional A19
Reference code (REF_CODE) REF_CODE Required A15
Donor date of birth (Date of birth) D_BIRTH_DATE Optional D8
Donor sex (Sex) D_SEX Optional A1
Donor blood group and optional rhesus (Blood Group (ABO)) D_ABO Optional A3
Donor CMV antibody status (CMV antibodies test result) D_ANTI_CMV Optional A1
Date of Donor CMV antibody test (CMV antibodies test result date) D_ANTI_CMV_DATE Optional D8
CT Sample type (Unit confirmatory typing sample type) CB_CT_SMPL_TYPE Optional A2
Major version of the HLA Nomenclature in use[1] (HLA Nomenclature Version) HLA_NOM_VER Required A7
Donor HLA-A, 1st antigen (HLA-A (serological)) D_A1 Optional A5
Donor HLA-A, 2nd antigen (HLA-A (serological)) D_A2 Optional A5
Donor HLA-B, 1st antigen (HLA-B (serological)) D_B1 Optional A5
Donor HLA-B, 2nd antigen (HLA-B (serological)) D_B2 Optional A5
Donor HLA-C, 1st antigen (HLA-C (serological)) D_C1 Optional A5
Donor HLA-C, 2nd antigen (HLA-C (serological)) D_C2 Optional A5
Donor DNA-A, 1st allele (HLA-A (molecular)) D_DNA_A1 Optional A20
Donor DNA-A, 2nd allele (HLA-A (molecular)) D_DNA_A2 Optional A20
Donor DNA-B, 1st allele (HLA-B (molecular)) D_DNA_B1 Optional A20
Donor DNA-B, 2nd allele (HLA-B (molecular)) D_DNA_B2 Optional A20
Donor DNA-C, 1st allele (HLA-C (molecular)) D_DNA_C1 Optional A20
Donor DNA-C, 2nd allele (HLA-C (molecular)) D_DNA_C2 Optional A20
Donor HLA-DR, 1st antigen (HLA-DRB1 (serological)) D_DR1 Optional A5
Donor HLA-DR, 2nd antigen (HLA-DRB1 (serological)) D_DR2 Optional A5
Donor HLA-DQ, 1st antigen (HLA-DQB1 (serological)) D_DQ1 Optional A5
Donor HLA-DQ, 2nd antigen (HLA-DQB1 (serological)) D_DQ2 Optional A5
Donor DNA-DRB1, 1st allele (HLA-DRB1 (molecular)) D_DRB11 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB1 (molecular)) D_DRB12 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB3, 1st allele (HLA-DRB3 (molecular)) D_DRB31 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB3, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB3 (molecular)) D_DRB32 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB4, 1st allele (HLA-DRB4 (molecular)) D_DRB41 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB4, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB4 (molecular)) D_DRB42 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB5, 1st allele (HLA-DRB5 (molecular)) D_DRB51 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DRB5, 2nd allele (HLA-DRB5 (molecular)) D_DRB52 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DQA1, 1st allele (HLA-DQA1 (molecular)) D_DQA11 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DQA1, 2nd allele (HLA-DQA1 (molecular)) D_DQA12 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DQB1, 1st allele (HLA-DQB1 (molecular)) D_DQB11 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DQB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DQB1 (molecular)) D_DQB12 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DPA1, 1st allele (HLA-DPA1 (molecular)) D_DPA11 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DPA1, 2nd allele (HLA-DPA1 (molecular)) D_DPA12 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DPB1, 1st allele (HLA-DPB1 (molecular)) D_DPB11 Optional A20
Donor DNA-DPB1, 2nd allele (HLA-DPB1 (molecular)) D_DPB12 Optional A20
Remark (REMARK) REMARK Optional A120

There is no generally applicable time limit (e.g. pre-invoice) which prevents corrections of TYP_RES to be sent. The recipient has to apply his own rules for handling ’late’ TYP_RES messages. An updated DONOR_CB has to be sent in any case. Finally, WMDA guidelines for time limits shall be applied (TC Minutes MP2007/8).

The Reference Code used in TYP_RES MUST match the Reference Code provided in the associated TYP_REQ message received.

The HLA special code ”NEW” for new alleles is only valid for results containing HLA values (TYP_RES or SMP_RES). The subsequent DONOR_CB message reports the original typing of the donor. For example:

TYP_RES.D_DRB11 = ”11:01”
DONOR_CB.D_DRB11 = ”old value” (if any)
DONOR_CB.D_DRB12 = ”old value” (if any)

The EMDIS semantics for the WMDA approved additional codes is defined as follows:

Message  UUUU  NEW  XXXX      NNNN
TYP_RES  N     Y    DRB3/4/5  DRB3/4/5

For details please refer to section 1.3, page 3 of the above mentioned WMDA ITWG HLA Nomenclature Standards document.