EMDIS message: RSV_RES

Description Result of donor reservation

With this message reservation results requested by a specific RSV_REQ message are transmitted. The confirmation of reservation field is mandatory, and it is either positive or negative to reflect whether the reservation is successful or not. If this is not the case the RSV_RES message can be rejected with a MSG_DEN. After a RSV_RES message a DONOR_CB with the updated donor status is mandatory to reflect the change.

EMDIS Fields

Field description (WMDA dictionary field) EMDIS field code Required Field Type
Sending EMDIS registry (REG_SND) REG_SND Optional N4
Receiving EMDIS registry (REG_RCV) REG_RCV Optional N4
Patient identification (Patient Identification) P_ID Required A17
Donor identification (Donor Identification ( to be replaced by GRID)) D_ID Required A17
Global registration identifier for donors (GRID) D_GRID Optional A19
Reference code (REF_CODE) REF_CODE Required A15
Date expiration of reservation (Reservation Expiry date) EXPI_DATE Optional D8
Result of donor reservation (CONFIRM) CONFIRM Required A1
Remark (REMARK) REMARK Optional A120

CONFIRM contains the result of the reservation request.