EMDIS message: NEW_ADD

Description Address to broadcast

With this message the contact information of a hubs institutions, namely EMDIS hub, Financial institutions, Transplant Centers and Laboratories are shared with partner hubs. Thus a partner hub has all required contact information to Institute ID’s, INST_ID, contained in EMDIS Requests.

Hubs are required to keep this contact information up to date and to broadcast any updates to their partner hubs.

EMDIS Fields

Field description (WMDA dictionary field) EMDIS field code Required Field Type
Sending EMDIS registry (REG_SND) REG_SND Optional N4
Receiving EMDIS registry (REG_RCV) REG_RCV Optional N4
Institution identification (Institution) INST_ID Required A10
Address Line 1 (First line of address) ADDR_1 Required A40
Address Line 2 (Second line of address) ADDR_2 Optional A40
Address Line 3 (Third line address) ADDR_3 Optional A40
Contact person (Contact Person) PERSON Optional A40
ZIP Code (Postal Code) ZIP Required A10
City (City Address) CITY Required A40
Country (Country) COUNTRY Required A2
Institution type (Institution type) INST_TYPE Required A3
Phone number (Contact phone number) PHONE Required A20
Fax number (Fax Number) FAX Optional A20
Email (Email) EMAIL Optional A60
Accreditations obtained (Bank Accreditation) ACCREDITATION Optional B5
Accreditations obtained:

Binary fixed length string in which each position represents an accreditation a cord blood bank has obtained. Position 1 is MSB (Most Significant Bit). The string is interpreted from left to right with position 1 as the leftmost position.

Position 1: NetCord-FACT
Position 2: AABB
Position 3: to be defined
Position 4: to be defined
Position 5: to be defined


ACCREDITATION = ”10000”    NetCord-FACT accreditation
ACCREDITATION = ”01000”    AABB accreditation

ACCREDITATION is currently only allowed if INST_TYPE =”CBB”.

The PERSON is required if the INST_TYPE = "LAB".

The EMDIS ID (INST_ID) of an institution should remain stable over time and should not be assigned to different institutions.