WMDA Dictionary field: Postal Code

Description Postal code (or zip code) of an address
Description (long)

A series of letters or digits or both, included in a postal address (generally for an organization such as a registry or TC).

Field type Numeric
Data family owner Requests
EMDIS fields ZIP
Forms C10 (Collection Report)
CB10 (Cord Blood Unit - Information and Typing Request)
CB21 (HPC, Cord Blood Unit Report)
CB30 (Cord Blood Unit Shipment Request)
F10 (Formal Request for Stem Cell or Lymphocyte Collection)
F40 (Prescription for Stem Cell and Lymphocyte Collection (2x as one whole form))
F70 (Verification of Cell Product)
F90 (Request for Patient's Siblings Service)
S20 (Request for Extended Donor HLA Typing)
S40 (Blood Sample Request for Verification Typing)
T10 (Courier & Emergency Contact Information During Stem Cell Transportation)
T50 (Proforma Invoice)
Valid From XSD Version